Blog Information
Layout Title: Goodbye Summer
Compatible Browser(s): Mozilla Firefox
Compatible Screen Resolution: 1280px by 800px
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Layout Title: Goodbye Summer
Compatible Browser(s): Mozilla Firefox
Compatible Screen Resolution: 1280px by 800px
Number of Visits:
Wah need $4 for lunch meh? Lol eh, you guys can just bring any amount you want. Like if you really like eating and really like spamming food *glances at certain somone*, then bring as much money as your fat, bulgy pockets can hold ^^
Oh ya, Jeremy and Brent, the Peirce and MacRitchie reservoirs, please bring at least 5 sets of clothing ^^
And for our part on civics and morals education, remember to change before you get onto the bus or MRT train. We don't want to stink up the public transport, do we? If you say 'yes', then too bad.
Oh yes, lastly... Please do not flak the blog's adminastration. If you think you can do a better job than them, then please, go and change the song for all we care. And you better make it a good one.