Posted on: Monday, December 29, 2008
Posted at: 9:48:00 PM
Hi all... i really long nvr post liaoz...
guess what? i just came back frm malaysia!
i havent been overseas for like 7-8years??
well i kinda happy... i got dynasty warriors 6!!!
its for ps3 onli... i go malaysia buy hor, they modify for ps2!
Rainer; Zhonghua ok lars... no cca de... very few...
well gtg
Jim Wuz Here
6 Charity RoX!
Posted on: Sunday, December 28, 2008
Posted at: 5:44:00 PM
Hehe tomorrow going to help mdm nor... Hopefully mdm nor will treat us to something again... You guys should come to help mdm nor... I helped her like on like 3 or 4 occasions? The last time i helped her... she treated hui min, elston and me to mcdonalds leh... and ordered a huge amount of french fries which practically filled up the entire tray(serious, not joking).... I think we didn't manage to finish it as we were darn full... See? Help mdm nor and you'll get FREE food...
-_({[Korean superstar]})_-
Posted on: Saturday, December 27, 2008
Posted at: 2:43:00 PM
You know what? Anderson only have TWENTY ccas!!! I'm scratching my head darn hard because all the ccas suck. The principal darn strict(that's what i think). I had to queue up for my books and uniform for 3 hours omg!!! My impression of my new school isn't so good... How's maris stella, zhonghua, ang mo kio etc?
Posted on: Friday, December 26, 2008
Posted at: 9:03:00 PM
Yo!! Its been a while since i post in the class blog. Lols. Now curently looking forward to going to NEW sch!! Although the first few days of sch (orientation) seems kinda boring.Yesterday, went wif my family to buy lots of new things. Cuz my papa say can i wan but must be reasonable.Bought: Sling bag(everlast); Pencil Case(OP); New shoes(one is kappa one is everlast); New water bottle(should be addidas).Thats all. Bye. I gtg.~ling~
Posted on: Thursday, December 25, 2008
Posted at: 7:05:00 PM
Merry Christmas all! Hope you got what you wanted for
Christmas because I don't celebrate it!
Anyway for those who view my blog,
thank you!
And I've put up a tagboard now, so if you'd like to comment, feel free to!
Posted on:
Posted at: 1:04:00 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! well, i don't suppose many of you wanted that outing thing. so it doesn't reli matter anws. and it would most probably fall through, like someone said. so yeah, it doesn't matter.
gonna eat turkey now. bye.
-yanzhen. (:
Posted on: Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Posted at: 11:25:00 PM
You know, instead of putting up the schools of people, you should put the T-scores up.
Okay, maybe you shouldn't.
Hey Jocelyn, I hope my mom gets to teach you chemistry next year or the next... or the next...
Anyway, I kept your identity from my mom, so she won't be able to recognize you as Jocelyn, just another... Peicaian
Posted on:
Posted at: 11:15:00 PM
Kanna: Oi 'ello pheeps! This here Kanna, you know mie, Kanna? Narth, South, Easht,Wesht! I ahm shure you recognizhe mie!Jamu: Alamak! I ahhve haddit wit you! You all the time goh Kanna Kanna! If I dun't keel you nehxt wheek, I tell you I keel myselhf!Kanna: You and your threats! I cahll poo-leesh you threatene mie oner morer time!Jamu: I ahhve haddit wit you! I goh keel myselhf now!*next few moments ensue a painful and unforgettable self-war waged upon himself (Jamu)*Kanna: OMG! Thish is horrhible!!! I canh't standdit!-YiShin and his lame and emo posts ^^
Posted on:
Posted at: 11:00:00 PM
Yo I don't think many people were looking forward to the outing. Not to be a spoilsport but... it wasn't really well-planned so people would have thought it would fall through.
outing cancelled.
Posted on:
Posted at: 7:11:00 PM
hey peeps. btw, the outing is cancelled. weilin says. coz too last minute.
yeah, so sorry if you really wanted that outing thing badly. lol.
-yanzhen. (:
Posted on: Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Posted at: 4:49:00 PM
Hey, I edited the school part of this blog.
So it's a weeeeeee bit more up-to-date.
You won't mind it anyway,
Posted on: Monday, December 22, 2008
Posted at: 11:53:00 PM
Another wonderful thing to note (about girls):
If they didn't exist, I would say, males would have exactly, no reason to exist either. I mean, who's gon' go through all that labour and come out with another blessed soul? We, I mean you, the sexist, has no, and I mean, NO reason to discriminate the female gender.
Know what? If I find you I'm gon' whack you till you bleed
By late-night news-anchor, yishin, is signing off
Goodnight San Diego (namely Singapore, or Singapura, or Xin Jia Po, or YinDeBuDeNa)
What the ~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted on:
Posted at: 11:47:00 PM
Ooh wow. You, the guy or girl who made that insult, sure are damn brave. Now, let us review the opposite side of boys: namely, the girls.
I don't know why the hell you said that they suck but, here are a few things to note
1. Abhishek is a boy, so his *ahem* erecting is no big deal in front of a girl
2. Dion, honour? Whoa-hoh, he has enough honour not being compared to girls. I mean, if he was compared to girls, it wouldn't do him no good, he'd be all the way at... (you know)
Goodnight, this is yishin signing off from late night news...
at about 12 o'clock
Posted on:
Posted at: 11:08:00 PM
wowo, wad happened here?! totally lost, wads with the isults and so on?!LOLS, bored !!XOXO,zhexuen.
Posted on:
Posted at: 8:10:00 PM
i'm not sure of the class outing yet.
zhexuen says the class may be bored during the picnic.
so she says the class may be more interested in going to escape theme park.
so i dunno yet.
and chenlin says juz have a gathering.
not a bad idea but we muz haf a place.
so wad is for the class outing is not confirm yet.
1-escape theme park
2-go Pasir Ris park.
chalet is impossible now.
cause its too late.
Posted on: Saturday, December 20, 2008
Posted at: 7:00:00 PM
lol i tink any1 hu posted dat insults mus hav a sis or irritating female in his house.
n dat guy MUS b spoilt lyk hell.
i wonder hu.curse him dat he will nvr find a gf.
Posted on:
Posted at: 2:40:00 PM
hello ppl.
i was wondering,
since we cant hold a chalet,
why dun we haf a class pinic?
at Bishan Park.
like everyone bring an item.
{eg. sandwiches, finger food, drinks, chips...}
i dunno if tis idea is ok.
so pls tag the tagboard asap to comment on tis idea.
Posted on: Friday, December 19, 2008
Posted at: 10:02:00 PM
abt tht post insulting us girls, that person obviously has smth against girls.
so in the first place, why go to a mixed school?!
and this blog is not for insulting people.
if you wanna insult people, go somewhere else.
if not, shut your freaking trap up.
go crap somewhere else.
so what if girls are spoilt?
how'd you know that
you yourself are not spoilt too?!
srsly, if you wanna insult somebody, go crap somewhere else.
we don't need your insults here. tyvm.
Posted on:
Posted at: 5:28:00 PM
erm. hey.
whoeva posted tat post,
i juz wanna tell you tat its seriously insulting.
if there wasnt girls,
how will you be here on earth right now reading tis?
huh? you wont be living on tis planet right now if it wasnt for your mum.
who is a female.
so dun insult girls. understand?
and i agree with you tat girls are spoilt.
but tats their nature!
wad can you do abt nature?
so stop insulting.
and shut your mouth up if you dun haf anything POLITE enough to say.
weiling put me in charge of the whole chalet thing.
but now to think of it,
its kinda last minute.
and my parents wont let me attend the chalet.
but allowed me to plan.
but the thing is,
its onli one week left of planning, booking and blah blah blah.
so i dun think i'll be able to handle tis matter in such a short period of time.
and i'm a failure when it comes to planning.
{you would noe wad i mean if you noe who i am}
if you are willing to plan tis thing.
please put up a post abt it.
or you can tag the tagboard saying you are willing to do it.
and ling,
if you wanna take back the responsibility of planning.
go ahead.
i wont stop you.
the point is,
its not tat i dun wanna plan.
but firstly,
i need someone to help me plan.
and secondly,
i dun think we haf enough time.
{i dun feel like typing out my name}
Posted on:
Posted at: 4:24:00 PM
Okay this is not a blog for insults. If you want to insult something or someone please do not do it here. Just to quote: "gals suk so spoilt i wonder why they exist they should perish immediatley cos apparently they give dion a sense of honour they make dion happy, gay, (as in happy de gay)n they give abishek pleasure make him main point here is gals" What kind of crap are you saying? You obviously must have something wrong with your head. Whoever it is, just shut the crap up(using the word crap instead). If you wonder why they exist, i wonder why didn't you search your brains. Maybe you would find an answer. Needless to say, a boy did it. Hands up if you think it's retarded.
I don't even need to say my name.
Just wanted to have my opinion on that retarded post.
I'm a boy by the way
Posted on:
Posted at: 1:38:00 PM
gals suk
so spoilt
i wonder why they exist
they should perish immediatley cos
apparently they give dion a sense of honour
they make dion happy,
gay,(as in happy de gay)
n they give abishek pleasure
make him erect.
my main point here is gals
Posted on: Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Posted at: 1:12:00 PM
poll is up.
please vote wad you wanna do during the chalet.
and ppl who haf visted tis blog,
pls state if you're going or not on the tagboard.
so we can estimate how many ppl going.
Posted on: Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Posted at: 5:46:00 PM
I'm bored
Posted on:
Posted at: 5:39:00 PM
oy rain stop crapping
my com oso busted
no msn msgr
must w8 till mom escape to somewhere den sneak into her com
so lucky lor u all
at least still can chat
One Republic band member wuz here
Posted on:
Posted at: 1:36:00 PM
i'm so so so dead.
I have to spend the rest of my holidays WITHOUT ANY COMPUTER GAMES!!!
My own comp is busted
I can't download anything on this computer
DONE. Whew i feel so much better now
A super darn bored korean superstar was here
Posted on: Sunday, December 14, 2008
Posted at: 5:42:00 PM
Rainer's routine... so early wake up..
my routine is:
3pm - wake up then take lunch
4pm - 7pm - play com
After that take dinner
abt 8pm - watch tv
12midnight - play ps2
till 4am.. then tired le go zzzz.....
Jim again and his crap...
6 Charity Rox
Posted on:
Posted at: 2:53:00 PM
life so boring... i everyday like got routine...
11am wakeup
11.30am-4pm play comp
4pm-7pm Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
7pm-12mn watch tv
12mn-11am Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Don't worry, you won't see me in a mental hospital anytime soon...
Korean superstarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Posted on: Saturday, December 13, 2008
Posted at: 11:33:00 PM
I'm so sry ling but i might be able to go to de outing!but u jux go ahead plan de outing on any date....kays?Cheryl
Posted on:
Posted at: 11:27:00 PM
i'm damn bored now.....i jux wanna say...enjoy ur holidays everyone!MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!SEE YA SOON!!!Cheryl
Posted on:
Posted at: 9:54:00 PM
YO! I decided to end the poll now cuz i scared there is no time to plan. Anyway, so it will be decided to go to downtown east on the 28th on December. Er. So the cost of the chalet will be $241. Each person must pay......i not sure yet. Cuz i nid confirm hu going. So ask as many ppl as possible if they on the 28th December free anot then tag in the blog. Er. Anyway, onli two or three person can stay. So those hu wanna stay. Plz oso include in the tagboard. But ppl staying nust pay more money. So TAG!!!~LING~
Posted on: Friday, December 12, 2008
Posted at: 11:29:00 AM
u all plan chalet
crap so much.
im bored u noe?-.-
Posted on:
Posted at: 10:35:00 AM
Yo. Weiling here....About the outing, i think downtown east is the best choice. Cuz the chalet is the cheapest($225)and the BBQ($16). But there is onli 1 bbq pit. And there got wild wild wet, escape theme park, etc. So plz vote whether u wan downtown east. If u guys dont wan. Er, i hope that another person will take charge of this. And if u guys wan, each person must contribute some money(price depends on how many ppl will be going). But entertainment at chalet, i haf no another person must help.
Then maybe we could go haf lunch together then go KTV, then later make our way to the chalet and PLAY. Er.Lastly, the price thingy, i is check on SUNDAY. So hope u wan on sunday. So plz vote.
Posted on: Thursday, December 11, 2008
Posted at: 3:32:00 PM
i'm bored.
so bored.
when are we going to haf the chalet??
so you noe,
school hols are ending soon.
whoever tat is organising.
and i think lodsa 6charity ppl are too!
looking forward to the next class gathering.
miss the craziness.
whenever i make noise,
my sis will be so annoyed and complain to my mum.
tats how older sisters are...
Posted on:
Posted at: 1:37:00 PM
HEY....wads up?cool blog ling...juz came back from US. SO DAMN TIRED many planes....but de trip was fab!de rollercoasters were so so fun!hav loops...went on it a few times.Got a little dizzy after dat...hey...i miss 6 Charity so much!!!!!when are we gonna hav outing arh?gtg....byes
Posted on: Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Posted at: 9:35:00 PM
Hi.... Melissa here
3 words.............dying of boredom.
for some strange reason i hate holidays now:(
Chalet Poll
Posted on: Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Posted at: 5:09:00 PM
!Hey y'all... the chalet poll is up, so please vote! (SENTOSA FTW!!)!and please dont keep posting lame, emo stuff up here... it's a waste of space... *glares at rainer and yishin*also, please post your posting addresses here... as one of you said, lets post Christmas cards!!!Here's a christmas tree for you all... nicole and i decorated it ourselves!! :D
Vote!!!PS: the bridge of the graduation song is pretty cool...
Posted on:
Posted at: 4:43:00 PM
Wah.. i envy most of u... can go on holidays.
Well for me? HOME HOME & most of all HOME.
My life is boring me out, there's nothing to do... Someday i will go crazy
Till the school reopens....this is more boring than going to school...
can u believe it? most kids want holidays... ME? i hate it... i wanna go bak to 6charity!
Jim Wuz Here
6 Charity ROX!
Posted on:
Posted at: 4:04:00 PM
So its decided...!!! Chalet it will be....But where and when??? Vote again....Ps.Anyway.....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Posted on: Sunday, December 07, 2008
Posted at: 11:06:00 PM
faye, u wanna know what i'll be doing? well, first's camp, then australia, then the christmas party.
so, wassup? -.- oh, and who's going to the christmas party?
omg. i miss 6CHARITY '08 man. srsly. all those fun times. laughs.
and i cut my hair. -.-
merry christmas, in advance, to you guys. (:
Posted on:
Posted at: 12:25:00 PM
Hey there!dunno wat 2 say juz 1 2 wish u all :MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!Hohoho!hope u guys hav a great time and always rmb 6 charity!rock on 6charity!sheena:)
Don't be fearful
Posted on: Friday, December 05, 2008
Posted at: 12:20:00 PM
Rainer here...
I know you guys can't bear to leave 6 charity and townsville(needless to say)but always leave somewhere in your heart where you can store all the beautiful moments that we had as a class.
Friends forever? Not impossible but you will really have to make an effort to stay in contact with each other.
Don't ponder over the past, embrace the future.
You really have to let go, let go of any regrets. (I have many regrets, like not saying something)
If you dream about 6 charity, remind yourself on the great times you had.
When we grow up, we'll become more distant than ever.
Maybe some of us would emigrate somewhere else
Maybe some of us will leave us prematurely
Sounds sad, doesn't it?
Think positive!
Maybe we would go to the same secondary school, junior college, poly or university!
For the boys of 6charity, maybe we might even become platoon mates!
Nevertheless, always have hope. Believe in yourself.
Sometimes deciding your future is more important than your friends
Doesn't mean we'll never get to see the physical form of each other ever again
Doesn't mean we're not together
Leave a place in your heart where 6 charity 2008 truly belongs.
Visit this site every week(if possible)
Post about a topic once in a while
Place a reminder in your phone to remind yourself to visit this site
Look at our class photos once in a while
Post pictures of your current self(if possible)
Tell us about your achievements
If you could do all this(or even some of this), you are well and truly, a pupil of 6 charity :)
Signing off!:p
(i'm from harmonica by the way, and don't remember me as the guy wearing a banana suit...)
Labels: 6 charity 08
Posted on: Thursday, December 04, 2008
Posted at: 6:43:00 PM
juz found out abt the blog.
good job ling for making the blog.
good job xuen for making the blogskin.
superb job.
how is life wif you guys?
mine is kinda boring.
miss the craziness of the class.
sch hols is boring,
but enjoy while we can!
we haf 4 more years to go till the official next celebration!
Christmas Party
Posted on:
Posted at: 2:40:00 PM
I bet all of u(well most of u) are going to the christmas party rite? Well... i dun think i'd be able to go cuz my parents dun allow... but nvm... i try persuade them
Yishin dun make ppl laugh at your haircut, anyways, i will NEVER 4get 6 CHARITY! THE BEST CLASS EVER!
Jim Wuz Here
Posted on:
Posted at: 12:21:00 PM
12.21pm in Singapore,
YS is back from a haircut.
Please imagine him with a new haircut.
Now please laugh at his new haircut.
Jim, pull yourself together, you'll see 6 charity again next time. Don't need to worry, because we'll always be united.
YS had a new haircut (laugh at it),
signing off.
Lalalas .
Posted on:
Posted at: 11:15:00 AM
Hi everyone. Faye here =DNice blogskin zhexuen :o)
I'm so curious here I want to know what everyone's doing this holiday so please post it here kay? (Or in the cBox whatever.)
Posted on: Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Posted at: 8:53:00 PM
Yo ppl!!!!!!
About the poll. i will end it by nxt tuesday. Cuz still nid time to plan. So ppl, plz tell other 6charity to quickly vote one!!! Majority wins!! >.<
Hope this outing will be a success!! =)
Posted on:
Posted at: 7:35:00 PM
Hey everyone... wah.. i hear the song.. eyes watery le... everyone, do not forget this class
even if u are already in poly or jc must rmb 6 charity horx... This Blog will be the one that will keep us tgt, and visit it often...
Jim Wuz Here,
6 Charity ROX!
Will miss u guys and gals!
Posted on:
Posted at: 4:15:00 PM
Hello everyone, YS here,
yea, I'm contributing to charity<-----
Hey all, let me tell you guys something.
Finding love is not about finding someone you can live with but finding someone you can't live without
And for the Christians (hope this doesn't sound bad),
God's greatest wrath is not to kill, but to stop giving life
Well, signing out is me, YiShin, right now, in Singapore,
Goodbye people,
Goodbye 6 charity
Goodbyeeeeee Townsville
*starts sobbing*
Posted on:
Posted at: 4:15:00 PM
Yo!!!!! Zhe xuen....nice blogskin and nice song.....( but a bit sad lar)
Anyway, wanna plan an outing??? Then maybe can ask mdm nor join us to!!!!!! Maybe a bbq party??? If u wan, ask mdm nor when she haf the time first....Bye!
Posted on:
Posted at: 2:17:00 PM
people of 6 charity, zhexuen here :)changed the blogskin,inserted names.and also music!title - Friends Forever by Vitamin mentioned, meet-ups or gatherings will be shown here, in this bloq but, someone has to organize it first right?and pls,if plan okay le, inform in shoutbox or in msn,sms / wadever.but you have to plann hao hao.andand, boys, maybe some of you go create a blog la! pls, look at the links!so pathetic la! haiyozz.alright, signing off,,XOXO, zhexuen™
Posted on: Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Posted at: 6:24:00 PM
this is zhe xuen.lols, weiling ask me post, so i post. can? :Dbyes!oh-ya, almost forget,my blog
Posted on:
Posted at: 5:20:00 PM
hey people. wow. only 7 posts. but anyways, the holidays are like boring la. do you all have like anywhere to go, coz i'm srsly bored...
missing you all. (:-yanzhen.